Hi! I’m John,

welcome to my Lego and Alt-Brick adventure!

I LOVE Lego and I have for as long as I can remember. I want to share that joy with you via reviews and discussions in this blog (and also it gives me a great excuse to buy more Lego!). I have a full time job so will try and add articles as often as I can.

A little about me – I live in the UK, I have a wife and two boys who also share my love of Lego. The house is always covered in Lego (much to my wife’s delight), with models proudly displayed in almost every room.

With Lego, there really is something for everyone – from young to old, basic to very technical and then break it up and make something awesome of your own.

I hope you enjoy reading this blog as much as I’ve enjoyed creating it.

Frequently Asked Questions